Victoria Restricted Dog Sign
Every owner who owns a declared restricted dog in Victoria state must comply with the requirements of the Domestic Animals Regulation 2015 - one of these requirements is to secure and display Restriced Dog Signs on doorways and gateways of the property to alert people that a dangerous dog resides in the area.
If this requirement has not complied, the Restricted dog owner will face hefty fines and even imprisonment.
Features Of Victoria Restricted Dog Sign
Built with a durable corflute material to comply with the Regulation
Rectangular at 10cm in height and 30cm in width
3 point Black Border around the sign
Light Turquoise Background
At least one colour is reflective
Contain words “Restricted Breed Dog on Premises” in Black, Bold, 72 font size in Times New Roman.
Includes mounting holes for installation.
For more information, read the Dangerous Dog Act for VIC or contact your local council.